Welcome to Sprintax Calculus!

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User List

Bulk Import Users
Calculus offers a convenient way to bulk upload users using a CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file. ...
User List Overview
Administrators can view a user list and report of all records added to their Institution's Accoun...
Manually Add Users
An overview of how Administrators can add foreign nationals to Calculus one at a time. Add User  ...
Admin Access to Individual Accounts
Administrators can view Individual User Account from the user list. Access 1. Login to your Calcu...
Add Non SSO Users to Calculus Account
Institutions with Single Sign On (SSO) enabled that need to add Vendors, Individual Contractors o...
Activate or Deactivate Users
Administrators with the right permissions can activate or deactivate a user's account. To do this...
Lock or Unlock User Accounts
Administrators with the right permissions can lock or unlock a user's account. This feature is av...
Filters and Views
An overview of the User List Filter, Columns, and Views features. The User List in Calculus is a ...
Export User List
Here's an overview of how Administrators with the right permissions can Export a User List Export...
Actions Tab Overview
The Actions Tab allows administrators to select different actions for the users selected on the U...
Approval Status
Approval Status function allows administrators to review user profiles and either approve, reject...
Download Filtered Documents
This article will guide you through the process of Administrators can download documents that hav...
Custom Field Reporting
Institutions that added Custom Fields or Lists into Calculus, can track these fields and incorpor...
Delete Records
An overview on how Administrators with 'Delete Records' permissions may delete individual or vend...
Test Records
An overview on how Administrators can mark existing individual users or vendors as 'Test' Files. ...