Welcome to Sprintax Calculus!

You can use these guides to get started

User List Overview

Administrators can view a user list and report of all records added to their Institution's Account. The list can be exported as a CSV and filtered to show specific data needed.

View User List

1. Login to your Calculus account.

2. On the left-hand side, Click on the Users tab.

3. You can view your user List based on status:

  • All Accounts
  • Completed Accounts
  • Incomplete Accounts
  • Deactivated Accounts 
  • Assign Requests

4. Select your user List to see an overview of all records and their information


5. Administrators can use the search function to find specific records by name, email, student number etc.

6. Click on any record for a side panel to open with more details on the user.

7. Within the user list, you can apply filters and columns to customize the information you want to view.

• Filter by Residency status
• Filter by account status
• Filter by FICA exemption status
• Filter by residents of a specific country
• Filter by tax rate
• Filter by Immigration status
• Filtering by residency starting date

For more information please see, Filters and Views

8. Click on the Export button to download a CSV file of the user List.


For more information please see, Export User List.

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