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Bulk Import Vendors

Calculus offers a convenient way to bulk upload vendors or foreign entities using a CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file. This feature is particularly useful for administrators who need to import multiple vendor profiles quickly.

While only email and entity name are mandatory, you can include additional data fields in your CSV file such as EIN, Entity details and more. These fields, if provided, will be imported into our system and will be populated for the Vendor.

Accessing Bulk Imports

1. Log in to your administrator account.

2. On the left side menu, click on the Imports section and select New Import.

Info: You can also access Imports on the Dashboard > Vendor Overview section > Bulk Add 

3. Select Foreign Entities


4. Upon selecting Foreign Entities, a sample spreadsheet template link is provided. This template helps ensure your CSV file is formatted correctly for import.


5. Once your file is ready, you can either browse for the file using the upload button or simply drag and drop the file into the designated area.

6. After uploading, the system will process the file, and you'll be taken to the Imports History page.


Once your file has uploaded, you can find it under the Imports History Tab.

The next step of the import process is to map the CSV file data to the Calculus Fields.

1. In the Actions column, you'll have the option to click Map and Map Columns.

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2. You can give the Map a name and save it for future use.

3. Start mapping your data to the corresponding fields in Calculus. The drop-down options are the imported column headers from your CSV file.


Important: You only need the map the fields and data that you included in your file.You can leave the other field options blank.

3. Once you completed mapping the necessary columns, scroll to the bottom.

4. Click Apply or click Save and Apply to save the map for future use.

Ready for Import

Once the mapping is complete, the Imports History page will load.

1. Under actions, the Import button will appear.

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2. You'll have three import options to choose from:

    • Overwrite: Overwrites the data in the records with the import data sheet.
    • Merge: Adds data only if it is missing from the records.
    • Overwrite completed fields/Merge blanks: Overwrites data if it is present in the records without deleting data that is not present in the import data sheet.

Info: If this is your first import, you can select any of the import options

3. After selecting your import type, the system will ask you to confirm the import action and start processing the import based on your chosen settings.

4. The Status Column will change to Importing.

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5. When the import is complete, you'll receive a notification via the bell icon.

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6. Click on the results to receive a summary of the data import. You'll be notified of any errors or duplicate records.

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7. The status column will update to Imported

Info: You can refer back to the results summary under the Actions column > View Results link

8. Now that your records are imported, you can view the data under Vendors Tab > Active Vendors.


For more information please see, Active Vendor List.

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