Welcome to Sprintax Calculus!

You can use these guides to get started

Transfer Records to New Tax Year

Sprintax will notify institutions when the new tax year opens in Calculus.

Administrators can activate the new tax year and encourage foreign national users to
update their current information in order to receive their updated tax documents and administer treaty renewal.

Please refer to our FAQ's for helpful tips.

Transfer Process

1. Login to your Calculus Account.

2. On the left side, click on Settings.

3. A notification will appear with the new tax year setup.

4. Click 'Yes' to activate the new tax year in your account.


Activate new tax year.PNG

5. Next, you have the option to transfer all your settings from the current tax year to the new tax year. 

Important: Administrators have the option to edit or make changes to settings once transferred.

Transfer User Records

Once you have confirmed your settings for the new tax year you will be redirected to the User List.

1. On the User List > All Accounts, a pop up message will appear 'Transfer student data from previous year’.

Transfer users data from 2024 to 2025.PNG

2. You can select not to copy your 2024 deactivated records with the new update.

3. You have the option to transfer all current tax year records to the new tax year with all supporting or uploaded documents in the Documents Exchange.

Info: The pop-up message will appear in the Users reports until you transfer the users or add at least
one new user in the new tax year.

4. When you click 'Continue', a message will appear letting you know the transfer is processing.

5. You will receive a notification via the notification bell when the process is completed

6. User information provided from the current tax year will be transferred to new tax year except for the Tax Forms Info Page. Users must update this page as it will be required for their applicable current tax year tax forms (e.g. Form 8233).

Review Transfer

Before taking any action in the new tax year please review and double-check your Settings Tab for any missing selections.

Settings not applied yet.PNG

  • Settings marked in red are incomplete and mandatory to review
  • Setting marked in grey are not enabled for respective tax year. If you want to enable those settings please click on 'General Settings' and go through all the setting sections.

Notify Users

Administrators should notify users to review their profile, complete any missing fields to generate updated documents. 

1. Login to your Calculus Account

2. Navigate to your User List All accounts

2. Select the profile(s) you'd like to send email communication to, then select Actions at the top

3. A side panel will appear. Scroll to the Email dropdown and select the desired email template.

Notify users.PNG

Info: To send an email to all users in the system, click on any record, then select Actions at the top. A Side Panel will appear, allowing you to toggle 'Select all Users'.

4. Users who have not activated their accounts will need to receive an activation email to set up their password or use SSO to login.

5. Users that have previously activated their accounts can use their existing credentials to login.

For more information, please see Email Templates

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