An overview of how Admin Owners can manage Administrator roles and permissions. This includes adding and removing administrators in your Calculus Entity.
Adding Administrator
Admin Owners will manage and control user access and permissions.
1. Login to your Calculus Account.
2. On the upper right corner click on Account.
3. Click on Administrators Tab.
4. Click on the Add an Administrator button and input Admin Name, Email Address, select which role and permissions to assign them. You may add other contact details and set their notification settings as well.
An email will be sent asking the user to register.
Info: If your account has Single Sign On enabled, the administrator does not need to register.
5. We recommend selecting the options to allow for Web or Email Notifications
Remove Administrators
1. Head to → Account → Administrators
2. From the Administrator Overview, look for the Actions column.
3. Click the Delete button to remove user from your Calculus Entity
Manage Administrators
1. To Manage permissions → Click on the administrator and a side panel will appear
2. The side panel allows owners to manage role, edit permissions, contact details and other features.
3. Click Save once the profile is updated.
4. Owners can deactivate the administrator by changing the Account Status button to inactive and clicking Save.
For more information please see, Administrator Roles and Permissions.