The Document Exchange allows foreign nationals to easily upload documents.
Whether it's signed tax forms, visa information, passport details, or any other specific documentation mandated by your institution.
Access Individual's Document Exchange
1. Login to your Calculus account.
2. Head to the Users tab, select All Accounts and click anywhere on a user’s record
3. A side panel will appear right side of the screen.
4. Under Account Details, click on the Edit button.
This will bring you to the Foreign National Questionnaire
5. On the top menu, navigate to Document Exchange.
6. Foreign Nationals will select which document type they are uploading
Important: Any custom documents marked mandatory by your institution will appear on the list of options.
7. The file can be dragged and dropped into the upload area or click to browse the computer and select the file manually.
8. Once the file is ready, click the Upload button.
9. Administrators can access, download or delete uploaded documents under the Available Documents section.
Info: Documents that have been e-signed will be marked on the document as (e-signed).
Administrators can also see uploaded documents by navigating to the User list > clicking on the user and side panel will appear > scroll down to Uploaded Documents section.
Info: Administrators can opt-in to receive notifications upon successful document upload, see Notification Settings.